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我从国内来新加坡考GRE,请问各位这允许么?需要什么额外的手续??谢谢了各位大大,我现在上海某所大学读书,现在国内这里GRE都已经改成是笔考了,听说新加坡还是机考。我想过来新加坡考GRE,急问各位大大,像我这样情况的可以考么,要办什么手续呢?我急着申请新加坡国立大学05年5月的报名,上海这里最早也要到05年6月才有得考。请各问给小弟一点提示,谢谢了!![terryjiang (10-20 22:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

No problem.You can have the GRE test here freely as you want. As a matter of fact there are people who come from China and take the GRE CBT here during exchange.

You need to apply online first at www.gre.org and select a test day (usually every weekday is available). Then everything follows smoothly.

Good luck
[cabob (10-20 23:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

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