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Is it true that most of the stuff that u buy online will be much cheaper?
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Is it true that most of the stuff that u buy online will be much cheaper?esp electronic stuff.....for example computer memories..cpu....

then if so, why pp are still keen on buying those stuff from simlim?

correct me if i m wrong. thanks.
[panther (9-8 21:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

it dependsbuying online u render the risk that the product is not as expected, and u need to pay extra attention to the terms & condition (usually some bad seller would put in small font or wadeva)
while buying from simlim shops u can check the product and bargain before paying.

pls noted that not everything on the e-shop is cheaper.

anyway, it depends on urslef.
if u think the transaction is secure and there's some kinda refund guarentee, u can buy from e-shop; or else, better not do e-shopping.

ps. ebay is quite good, i've been using it for quite a while.
[CitiNomad (9-8 22:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

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