美国签证请问去美国办签证要自己去大使馆还是寄去. 谁有他们的联系电话, 地址, 网页什么的? 多谢. 一般办美国签证要多少天才办的出来. 可以加速吗? 多谢[高岭 (1-15 17:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
ANSWER:only go to the US embassy once you receive the interview appointment. before that, everything is handled by travel agency.
Address: 27 Napier Road, Singapore 258508,
Tel: (65) 6476-9100, Fax: (65) 6476-9340.
It takes 5 working days from they receive your application till they hold your interview. it may be longer for other nationals.
1 or 2 days are needed from your visa is approved till you get back your passport.
[BlueDolphin (1-16 12:42, Long long ago)]
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