(引用 juzi:你把为强夺而屠杀说得跟为生存而反抗说得一样清丽脱俗在下深感佩服)你如果能读些卸妆后的历史,你佩服的绝不会是他。 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [多此一举 (6-27 14:16, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]201楼
(引用 仗剑天涯:最厉害的是折腾自己人 建国后一波一波的 如果不折腾 应该会比现在好很多…)风物长宜放眼量[jubin (6-27 15:03, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]202楼
没错,坐井观天的效果 等同于 你楼上那个BN看中国的效果LOL [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [AppleJK (6-27 16:59, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]203楼
(引用 AppleJK:没错,坐井观天的效果 等同于 你楼上那个BN看中国的效果LOL)会煮菜吗?http://bbs.huasing.org/wap/xbbs.php?B=107_15119068 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [大好人 (6-27 17:32, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]204楼
(引用 大好人:会煮菜吗?http://bbs.huasing.org/wap/xbbs.php?B=107_15119068)看到大妈煮多菜几个字你就想到我?!晕倒~~ [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [AppleJK (6-27 20:36, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]205楼
言归正传,世界经济都垮的时候 就要打仗了。
是不是买点军工股 对冲下经济垮的风险?
[BlancNoir (6-27 21:54, 0.5 year ago)]
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(引用 大好人:会煮菜吗?http://bbs.huasing.org/wap/xbbs.php?B=107_15119068)礼尚往来:以为你是房东207呢LOL [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [AppleJK (6-27 22:51, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]207楼
(引用 AppleJK:看到大妈煮多菜几个字你就想到我?!晕倒~~)这。。。开个玩笑而已Sorry [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [大好人 (6-27 23:36, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]208楼
(引用 BlancNoir:确实相对于其他国家。 中国对外侵略性很弱。 但貌似更擅长在这块固定土地上自己人整自己。各种死伤其实也不少。太平天国是不是当时几乎10...)这真是个优秀的回复前阵子当美国学生群起反对以色列军事行动的时候,可惜你没有跳出来呼吁:选择支持屠杀巴勒斯坦可比美国人自己内讧更加文明,所以,让种族灭绝来得更猛烈吧[juzi (6-28 9:18, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]209楼
天兵的战力一言难尽其实也简单,拉胯。网上很多视频的,他们战力不咋地。[jubin (6-28 9:52, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]210楼
(引用 juzi:这真是个优秀的回复前阵子当美国学生群起反对以色列军事行动的时候,可惜你没有跳出来呼吁:选择支持屠杀巴勒斯坦可比美国人自己内讧更加...)美国建国以来内讧不少。 不过意见不同可以忍几年换领导。所以即使内讧到占领国会山,也很少有死伤。
中国建国以来,就不多说了。 怀念 百花齐放 百家争鸣的那最高领袖给的短暂春天。结果百花很多不入眼, 百家很多不入耳。
你开出来,说出来,那就是你的不对了。必须整顿。 死伤多少各种说法很多了。但是基本上问上一辈都认识有被整死的。
巴以问题啊。自古无解。两边都有理啊。所以美国内部为这个内讧也厉害。你上次看到中国内部有不同意见是什么大事儿啊? “选举”不都是100%过的么。主打一个和谐。
[BlancNoir (6-28 10:05, 0.5 year ago)]
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06打黎巴嫩真主党就已经很拉垮了看了这次的表演,我只能说有些偏见不是没有道理的,有些悲剧也是有些人自找的。[nautilus (6-28 10:13, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]212楼
(引用 BlancNoir:美国建国以来内讧不少。 不过意见不同可以忍几年换领导。所以即使内讧到占领国会山,也很少有死伤。 内讧完了还不是听证会各种起诉审判,...)南北战争死了很多人,按比例算的话非常惊人[nautilus (6-28 10:21, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]213楼
(引用 nautilus:06打黎巴嫩真主党就已经很拉垮了看了这次的表演,我只能说有些偏见不是没有道理的,有些悲剧也是有些人自找的。)按夫妻肺片的看法,投资就无脑买美国指数,要胜利就直接核弹扔出去,这世界那里有解决不了的难题。快意恩仇,主打一个爽字。[qingni2 (6-28 10:21, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]214楼
(引用 nautilus:南北战争死了很多人,按比例算的话非常惊人)刚查了下美国内战死了人口2%。确实很多!
不过同时代的咱太平天国大多数冷兵器用起来也有高达人口10% 死亡的惨烈。[BlancNoir (6-28 10:45, 0.5 year ago)]
[ 传统版 |
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(引用 qingni2:按夫妻肺片的看法,投资就无脑买美国指数,要胜利就直接核弹扔出去,这世界那里有解决不了的难题。快意恩仇,主打一个爽字。)可惜过去几十年确实无脑投美股人生赢家。。。
可惜我研究了半分钟决定的 all in 中丐了。。。[BlancNoir (6-28 10:46, 0.5 year ago)]
[ 传统版 |
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(引用 BlancNoir:美国建国以来内讧不少。 不过意见不同可以忍几年换领导。所以即使内讧到占领国会山,也很少有死伤。 内讧完了还不是听证会各种起诉审判,...)这里的历史需要修正:南北战争死亡人数不多双方在民主友好的协商环境下,通过诉讼审判只致死了62万士兵,受伤致残者仅110万以上,而可喜的是,作为南北战争最重要的协调方,美国律师产业创造了巨量GDP,极大促进了美国经济繁荣和人权发展[juzi (6-28 10:54, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]217楼
(引用 BlancNoir:刚查了下美国内战死了人口2%。确实很多!
不过同时代的咱太平天国大多数冷兵器用起来也有高达人口10% 死亡的惨烈。)太平天国那时候其实不是冷兵器其实我的意思是死人多或者少都是不好的,不是说美国死1个人中国死10个人就说明美国比中国好。。。
anyway, 这贴扯得太远了,我更关心新加坡经济好不好
[nautilus (6-28 10:57, 0.5 year ago)]
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(引用 BlancNoir:可惜过去几十年确实无脑投美股人生赢家。。。
可惜我研究了半分钟决定的 all in 中丐了。。。)没有大资金进去公司,机构都撤离了
[本文发送自华新iOS APP]
[仗剑天涯 (6-28 11:53, 0.5 year ago)]
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History is full of great powers that hit a peak of competitive power and then stagnate and eventually decline. There are fewer cases of great powers that have confronted such headwinds and managed to generate a repeated upward trajectory—to renew their power and standing in both absolute and relative terms. Arguably, that is precisely the challenge that faces the United States. Its competitive position is threatened both from within (in terms of slowing productivity growth, an aging population, a polarized political system, and an increasingly corrupted information environment) and outside (in terms of a rising direct challenge from China and declining deference to U.S. power from dozens of developing nations). Left unchecked, these trends will threaten domestic and international sources of competitive standing, thus accelerating the relative decline in U.S. standing.
In this report, the authors shed light on this challenge by examining the problem of national decline and renewal. It is part of a larger study on the societal determinants of a nation's competitive position, which has nominated several key qualities that determine a society's competitive success and failure. The findings of the first phase of the study suggest that it is very difficult for countries to achieve multiple periods of efflorescence or national peak dynamism. This report is one of several independent second-phase analyses on distinct topics that examine the prospects for the United States to do so, combining historical case analysis with contemporary assessments.
"Recovery from significant long-term national decline is rare and difficult to detect in the historical record." When great powers have slid from a position of preeminence because of domestic factors, they have seldom reversed this trend.
"The United States may be entering a period requiring the kind of anticipatory national renewal found in several historical cases." In a few cases, societies identified challenges to their competitive position and undertook broad-based social, political, and economic reforms to sustain their power. However, they had not yet declined significantly (if at all) when these processes began.
"Several common factors appear to distinguish cases of successful anticipatory renewal from failures." There are seven major societal characteristics associated with competitive success.
"The United States is not yet demonstrating widespread shared recognition of societal challenges or determination to reform in key issue areas." There is no emerging consensus on the barriers to renewal that demand urgent action, and the essential problem is seen in starkly different terms by different segments of society and groups of political leaders, which creates a distinct challenge for the multiple efforts.
"The United States has all the preconditions for a potential agenda of anticipatory renewal." It has tremendous residual strengths and a proven capacity for resilience and renewal. It has the scale and industrial and scientific foundations and a rich reservoir of social actors to remain one of the great powers at the apex of world politics.[萧武达 (6-28 21:01, 0.5 year ago)]
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