所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2024-06-28 21:01

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History is full of great powers that hit a peak of competitive power and then stagnate and eventually decline. There are fewer cases of great powers that have confronted such headwinds and managed to generate a repeated upward trajectory—to renew their power and standing in both absolute and relative terms. Arguably, that is precisely the challenge that faces the United States. Its competitive position is threatened both from within (in terms of slowing productivity growth, an aging population, a polarized political system, and an increasingly corrupted information environment) and outside (in terms of a rising direct challenge from China and declining deference to U.S. power from dozens of developing nations). Left unchecked, these trends will threaten domestic and international sources of competitive standing, thus accelerating the relative decline in U.S. standing.

In this report, the authors shed light on this challenge by examining the problem of national decline and renewal. It is part of a larger study on the societal determinants of a nation's competitive position, which has nominated several key qualities that determine a society's competitive success and failure. The findings of the first phase of the study suggest that it is very difficult for countries to achieve multiple periods of efflorescence or national peak dynamism. This report is one of several independent second-phase analyses on distinct topics that examine the prospects for the United States to do so, combining historical case analysis with contemporary assessments.

"Recovery from significant long-term national decline is rare and difficult to detect in the historical record." When great powers have slid from a position of preeminence because of domestic factors, they have seldom reversed this trend.
"The United States may be entering a period requiring the kind of anticipatory national renewal found in several historical cases." In a few cases, societies identified challenges to their competitive position and undertook broad-based social, political, and economic reforms to sustain their power. However, they had not yet declined significantly (if at all) when these processes began.
"Several common factors appear to distinguish cases of successful anticipatory renewal from failures." There are seven major societal characteristics associated with competitive success.
"The United States is not yet demonstrating widespread shared recognition of societal challenges or determination to reform in key issue areas." There is no emerging consensus on the barriers to renewal that demand urgent action, and the essential problem is seen in starkly different terms by different segments of society and groups of political leaders, which creates a distinct challenge for the multiple efforts.
"The United States has all the preconditions for a potential agenda of anticipatory renewal." It has tremendous residual strengths and a proven capacity for resilience and renewal. It has the scale and industrial and scientific foundations and a rich reservoir of social actors to remain one of the great powers at the apex of world politics.

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中国经济会垮吗 babudou2   (0 bytes , 12014reads )
经济跨没跨还不知道的话 BlancNoir   (169 bytes , 38reads )
今天股指期货结算后,这波反弹 pancai   (21 bytes , 28reads )
all in 中丐 BlancNoir   (24 bytes , 29reads )
想想红军二万五? 萧武达   (27 bytes , 24reads )
建议华新高知们去读读一半有趣的书 happyforyousel   (149 bytes , 25reads )
谢谢推荐 BlancNoir   (199 bytes , 19reads )
我的观点向来是中立的哈 happyforyousel   (148 bytes , 28reads )
其实我还蛮喜欢 小土   (127 bytes , 17reads )
是穷查理宝典,虽然他很富 happyforyousel   (0 bytes , 24reads )
第一次看到 小土   (174 bytes , 17reads )
是很不错的书 小土   (0 bytes , 26reads )
你也读过啊? happyforyousel   (4 bytes , 24reads )
嗯嗯 小土   (18 bytes , 18reads )
天,咋吵成这样了 happyforyousel   (222 bytes , 25reads )
嫩娃子 大好人   (38 bytes , 27reads )
做人要谦虚 happyforyousel   (65 bytes , 24reads )
不会 jubin   (96 bytes , 29reads )
中国特色 BlancNoir   (117 bytes , 19reads )
是的 jubin   (84 bytes , 18reads )
时薪50不少啊 scorpiohost   (100 bytes , 21reads )
出去工作的怎么可能一个月工作20天,八小时 云鬼魂   (294 bytes , 25reads )
这楼歪的 scorpiohost   (778 bytes , 33reads )
想想一个盾构机之前卖中国几亿,等中国快造出来就卖几千万 云鬼魂   (295 bytes , 33reads )
这楼可以,中美大国角力差不多就这样子, AppleJK   (24 bytes , 23reads )
半夜醒来看了下回复,果然人性是不变的, qingni2   (16 bytes , 31reads )
有人可以为仨瓜俩枣 typhoonzj   (44 bytes , 23reads )
垮是不会垮的 HX3000   (50 bytes , 19reads )
毁灭吧CTMD Zzfzf2012   (56 bytes , 27reads )
骗钱骗到我头上了 Zzfzf2012   (16 bytes , 26reads )
滞胀+通货紧缩 binbinmirror   (20 bytes , 24reads )
福山教授当年提出历史的终结, qingni2   (26 bytes , 32reads )
一个幅员辽阔的大国, 鸡兔同笼01   (98 bytes , 34reads )
你真以为 多此一举   (37 bytes , 28reads )
你要相信, 鸡兔同笼01   (58 bytes , 20reads )
回去一趟 宝狐   (58 bytes , 27reads )
中国人的刻苦努力的基因加人口数量 云鬼魂   (105 bytes , 33reads )
短视频看多了吧 dsx1   (132 bytes , 31reads )
你脑子不用就捐了吧 云鬼魂   (90 bytes , 29reads )
无效率的 长时间 dsx1   (36 bytes , 24reads )
驱动力还是不同的 BlancNoir   (152 bytes , 24reads )
中国人的 BlancNoir   (0 bytes , 32reads )
中国人的刻苦努力基因 BlancNoir   (241 bytes , 28reads )
不是还发明了汉子, 让你学会了反过来骂祖宗一无是处吗 云鬼魂   (83 bytes , 29reads )
你那里看出来我骂祖宗了? BlancNoir   (363 bytes , 31reads )
西方生活哪里好? 你假装看不到? 云鬼魂   (170 bytes , 26reads )
既然你这么羡慕西方的生活 BlancNoir   (296 bytes , 29reads )
说到资源 BlancNoir   (484 bytes , 28reads )
骂了半天啥目的, AppleJK   (29 bytes , 29reads )
没看明白他什么观点? 难道想说 云鬼魂   (129 bytes , 41reads )
所以说他文科生,另外说难听点, AppleJK   (33 bytes , 32reads )
不是他 大好人   (31 bytes , 27reads )
我也没多讨厌她啦,因为 AppleJK   (26 bytes , 32reads )
把美国国家享受得资源和福利 BlancNoir   (625 bytes , 33reads )
如果从过去250年的历史看,或许你是对的。 qingni2   (148 bytes , 21reads )
我只是读到 BlancNoir   (130 bytes , 23reads )
制度的先进与否,都是比较出来的。 qingni2   (251 bytes , 34reads )
确实很可惜 BlancNoir   (1125 bytes , 25reads )
每一种制度都有其先进性和局限性 云鬼魂   (104 bytes , 24reads )
国民党反动派 BlancNoir   (564 bytes , 26reads )
多去读一点书吧, 别在这里闭门造车了 云鬼魂   (981 bytes , 25reads )
所以你读了这么多书, BlancNoir   (161 bytes , 27reads )
最后一句话道出了真理,中西一开始走的科技树就不一样 云鬼魂   (67 bytes , 20reads )
中国具体走了什么科技树? BlancNoir   (33 bytes , 30reads )
你对科技的愚昧,作为网友是没有义务来教育你的 云鬼魂   (30 bytes , 23reads )
读你的回复 BlancNoir   (123 bytes , 20reads )
美国任何公共频道都在说中国是其enemy, AppleJK   (138 bytes , 32reads )
所以我说BN就一文科1450吧,别说科技, AppleJK   (34 bytes , 22reads )
您可别小看文科 BlancNoir   (96 bytes , 24reads )
可惜你文科的造诣,只能在华新盖海市蜃楼, AppleJK   (37 bytes , 26reads )
我觉得总结得有道理,之后革命也不彻底 justabit   (68 bytes , 29reads )
要中国经济垮只有一种 typhoonzj   (56 bytes , 33reads )
呵呵 BlancNoir   (72 bytes , 29reads )
还可能被俄罗斯拖垮啊 babudou2   (8 bytes , 68reads )
俄罗斯提供廉价能源和粮食, qingni2   (58 bytes , 25reads )
假设全世界的能源和粮食供给需求是平衡的 BlancNoir   (159 bytes , 28reads )
市场经济的观念深入你心啊 qingni2   (0 bytes , 34reads )
都是可以流通的啊 BlancNoir   (260 bytes , 30reads )
amsl的euv光刻机能流通到中国吗? qingni2   (151 bytes , 19reads )
是啊 BlancNoir   (511 bytes , 20reads )
我只是没看出来和美国为敌,和俄罗斯为盟,会有啥好处而已。 qingni2   (758 bytes , 27reads )
不是中国主动为美国为敌, 围剿中国是美国不分党派的政策 云鬼魂   (75 bytes , 24reads )
您知道什么是主要矛盾什么是次要矛盾吗? 云鬼魂   (112 bytes , 25reads )
意识形态不同 BlancNoir   (99 bytes , 36reads )
中国大陆是怎么失去香港和台湾民心得 qingni2   (30 bytes , 28reads )
你过分了! better shut up pymess   (0 bytes , 18reads )
哪里过分了 BlancNoir   (171 bytes , 26reads )
NO. on contrast, I agree everything pymess   (231 bytes , 28reads )
不是意识形态不同,是自己屁股坐哪里决定的吧 云鬼魂   (57 bytes , 27reads )
邓小平好像 BlancNoir   (366 bytes , 24reads )
但某一位大牛又说了 juzi   (154 bytes , 31reads )
你还是不理解政治 云鬼魂   (534 bytes , 24reads )
美国还真不是九五五躺平 乌贼的马甲   (68 bytes , 26reads )
中国东海岸 匿名小ID   (31 bytes , 18reads )
美国很多公司 小馋牛   (40 bytes , 26reads )
你口里得 BlancNoir   (157 bytes , 28reads )
你生活在什么样的世界 云鬼魂   (86 bytes , 22reads )
原文 BlancNoir   (185 bytes , 25reads )
你对政治理解太幼稚了! 云鬼魂   (104 bytes , 27reads )
Noir就一文科1450,估计最近台海 AppleJK   (18 bytes , 24reads )
我感觉是不是被盗号了, qingni2   (32 bytes , 32reads )
你和夫妻肺片刚好是两个极端, qingni2   (273 bytes , 27reads )
就因为自己输了点钱就来反思为什么中国不要乖乖当狗了? 云鬼魂   (164 bytes , 27reads )
我错了 BlancNoir   (104 bytes , 26reads )
确实邓公被人忘了 BlancNoir   (58 bytes , 25reads )
中国PPP 七年前都超过美国了, 怎么韬光养晦, 你美弟瞎吗? 云鬼魂   (120 bytes , 24reads )
2009年提出亚太再平衡,那时中国又是谁当政, 够温和了吧 云鬼魂   (682 bytes , 24reads )
所以你说 这个Noir分的清楚 AppleJK   (30 bytes , 32reads )
层主代表港台 AppleJK   (15 bytes , 31reads )
还有越南刚刚邀请 typhoonzj   (16 bytes , 20reads )
您脑子被门挤了吧 云鬼魂   (44 bytes , 25reads )
俄罗斯拖垮中国经济? AppleJK   (40 bytes , 31reads )
印度也在支持俄罗斯 typhoonzj   (8 bytes , 27reads )
经济通缩,中产失业,商家大量倒闭 babudou2   (16 bytes , 38reads )
产业结构调整, qingni2   (102 bytes , 22reads )
中国经济是世界经济火车头 第三天   (0 bytes , 28reads )
章家蹲跳起来 typhoonzj   (8 bytes , 24reads )
只看欧美新闻吗? 国王大道   (12 bytes , 37reads )
垮毛呢? G7 国内消费哪个有兔子厉害? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 29reads )
绝对不可能 sgreebonz   (16 bytes , 34reads )
如果楼市是经济风向标 BlancNoir   (133 bytes , 41reads )
楼市这些有点虚的 liudehua   (101 bytes , 41reads )
比起次贷危机 BlancNoir   (296 bytes , 26reads )
不会 justabit   (0 bytes , 28reads )
为啥会垮呢 liudehua   (18 bytes , 36reads )
主要是美国加快和中国脱钩,大量的欧美企业撤出中国 tormona   (0 bytes , 37reads )
你看网上 seangoh   (150 bytes , 43reads )
年轻人群失业率 BlancNoir   (71 bytes , 39reads )
某年NUS本科毕业生的失业率都比这个高 山水   (31 bytes , 40reads )
某年是哪年? BlancNoir   (323 bytes , 28reads )
现在初中只有50% 可以升高中 qingni2   (92 bytes , 36reads )
刚去大陆一二线城市回来 BlancNoir   (55 bytes , 36reads )
对呀 多此一举   (135 bytes , 29reads )
这是结构性的 happyforyousel   (122 bytes , 34reads )
垮是不至于 悠看悠阿噗   (60 bytes , 37reads )
需要 多此一举   (16 bytes , 36reads )
应该是不好不坏 happyforyousel   (158 bytes , 30reads )
今年的增长是5%,你说算不算垮? qingni2   (0 bytes , 30reads )
不会 huaxinacc   (0 bytes , 39reads )