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(引用 碧山:Score Board for Kampong Glam C.C. Event Day 1 -- 6 Sep 2009 .....系统提示:该帖正文已被删除 )呵呵,看来我发挥的不错,真正做到了送分使者应尽的义务。[卷心菜 (9-6 23:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]41楼

(引用 卷心菜:呵呵,看来我发挥的不错,真正做到了送分使者应尽的义务。)哥送的不是分,是寂寞。。。[杀着大全 (9-7 0:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]42楼

(引用 碧山:Score Board for Kampong Glam C.C. Event Day 1 -- 6 Sep 2009 .....系统提示:该帖正文已被删除 )A study of Day 1 Results of Kampong Glam Event on 6 Sep 2009 .......
after several changes, there are 68 players, 6 of them did not turn up yesterday, total of 62 players with 11 Grade Bs and 51 non-graded players participated in Round 1 started at noon.

From the results on 6 Sep 2009, there are :

8 points -- 2 players, 1 with grade and 1 without grade

7 points -- 3 players without grade

6 points -- 9 players, 3 with grade and 6 without grade

5 points -- 8 players, 3 with grade and 5 without grade

4 points -- 22 players, 4 with grade and 18 without grade

3 points -- 4 players without grade

2 points -- 9 players without grade

1 or 0 point -- 5 players without grade

From 2007 and 2008 results, 10/11 points or above could get prizes, i.e. more than 50 players still qualify and need to play hard for the 8 points from Day 2 on 13 Sep 2009.

Have a good show on coming Sunday, I will try to go and support before Round 8 at 6:45 pm, Round 5 starts at 12 noon.

[碧山 (9-7 11:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]43楼

(引用 碧山:Score Board for Kampong Glam C.C. Event Day 1 -- 6 Sep 2009 .....系统提示:该帖正文已被删除 )廖铭濠四战全胜 一骑绝尘 我这次又没机会向他挑战了甚为可惜 昨日在前两轮先后战平了文礼另两少-赖俊杰和刘忆豪之后 就没机会碰到廖小弟了
要不然在一项赛事中能先后挑战文礼三少将成为一件幸事(也可以说是不幸的事 哈哈)
[一刀n断 (9-7 11:35, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]44楼

对局集:请各位棋友把本次比赛中想分享的对局跟帖于此。[卷心菜 (9-7 12:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]45楼

(引用 一刀n断:廖铭濠四战全胜 一骑绝尘 我这次又没机会向他挑战了甚为可惜 昨日在前两轮先后战平了文礼另两少-赖俊杰和刘忆豪之后 就没机会碰到廖小弟...)来日方长

来日方长, 你们一定有机会对到的。
[wenqishou (9-7 12:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]46楼

(引用 碧山:A study of Day 1 Results of Kampong Glam Event on 6 Sep 2009 ....... after several changes, there are 68 players, 6 of them did ...)with the latest input, I have moved one graded player from 4 pts to 6 pts .....Regarding the 18 prizes, please refer to the rules, i.e. 11 for all and 7 for kampong glam members only.

The way to allocate should be the same as last year, i.e. after the Top 8, the next 7 for kampong glam members only followed by the last 3 for remaining leading positions.

8 points -- 2 players, 1 with grade and 1 without grade

7 points -- 3 players without grade

6 points -- 10 players, 4 with grade and 6 without grade

5 points -- 8 players, 3 with grade and 5 without grade

4 points -- 21 players, 3 with grade and 18 without grade

3 points -- 4 players without grade

2 points -- 9 players without grade

1 or 0 point -- 5 players without grade

[碧山 (9-7 13:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]47楼

(引用 卷心菜:对局集:请各位棋友把本次比赛中想分享的对局跟帖于此。)卷心菜对局选[卷心菜 (9-7 21:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]48楼

(引用 卷心菜:卷心菜对局选)第二轮:卷心菜负梁志顺第一轮:卷心菜vs对手没来

[卷心菜 (9-7 21:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]49楼

(引用 卷心菜:卷心菜对局选)第三轮:郑佳俊胜卷心菜第三轮:郑佳俊胜卷心菜

[卷心菜 (9-7 21:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]50楼

(引用 卷心菜:卷心菜对局选)第四轮:卷心菜和张顺喜第四轮:卷心菜和张顺喜

[卷心菜 (9-7 21:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]51楼

(引用 卷心菜:第三轮:郑佳俊胜卷心菜第三轮:郑佳俊胜卷心菜 黑方认负 ...)30步少走了个过门?先炮8+1逐马怎么样?[一刀n断 (9-7 21:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]52楼

(引用 卷心菜:第四轮:卷心菜和张顺喜第四轮:卷心菜和张顺喜 双方议和 ...)俩人都严重不在状态这布局怎么走的啊?第8步炮8进2堪称欧洲流行布局了 也就八国联军这么玩火。。。到了14步红方有效3步黑方才2步 17步为什么不走车八进六啊?还有41吃马不行吗?[一刀n断 (9-7 22:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]53楼

(引用 卷心菜:对局集:请各位棋友把本次比赛中想分享的对局跟帖于此。)贴棋局我很久没贴棋局了。

[wenqishou (9-7 22:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]54楼

(引用 wenqishou:贴棋局我很久没贴棋局了。 请问怎么贴?)请参看置顶贴点击进入[一刀n断 (9-7 22:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]55楼

(引用 卷心菜:呵呵,看来我发挥的不错,真正做到了送分使者应尽的义务。)杀气不足。[几度 (9-8 1:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]56楼

(引用 卷心菜:第三轮:郑佳俊胜卷心菜第三轮:郑佳俊胜卷心菜 黑方认负 ...)感觉60步可以考虑直接砍士刺刀见红 过瘾 !红如炮五进三吃中卒 黑炮5+3弃炮将军 帅4=5 车8退1 帅5退一 车4平5 抽吃红炮
红缺士 应该速度慢
[将五进九 (9-8 10:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]57楼

(引用 将五进九:感觉60步可以考虑直接砍士刺刀见红 过瘾 !红如炮五进三吃中卒 黑炮5+3弃炮将军 帅4=5 车8退1 帅5退一 车4平5 抽吃红炮 红缺士 应该)我当时看也有这感觉 可是...红可以炮三平五
如黑将5=4 车四进五 红胜
如黑炮5-2 炮五进四 车8-1* 帅四退一 炮4=6 车九进三 车6-7 车九平六 将5=4 车四平六 将4=5 车六平九 红方胜势
如黑车8-1 帅四退一 炮4=6 车九进三 车6-7 车九平六 将5=4 前炮退二 卒5+1 车四平五 红方胜势

* 黑如将5=4 车九进三 象5-3 车九平七 将4+1 车四平八 红胜

不知道有没有看错 还是红方有其他杀法?

这局主要是卷心菜输给了时间 这么复杂的对攻局面 就只有5分钟不到 根本算不清的
[一刀n断 (9-8 11:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]58楼

(引用 碧山:Score Board for Kampong Glam C.C. Event Day 1 -- 6 Sep 2009 .....系统提示:该帖正文已被删除 )注意:由于表格部分信息有误,为防止误导,此贴将于9月8日晚23点59分以后被删除。注意:由于表格部分信息有误,为防止误导,应网友要求,此贴(Score Board....)将于9月8日晚23点59分以后被删除。
[卷心菜 (9-8 18:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]59楼

(引用 一刀n断:我当时看也有这感觉 可是...红可以炮三平五 如黑将5=4 车四进五 红胜 如黑炮5-2 炮五进四 车8-1* 帅四退一 炮4=6 车九进三 车6-7 ...)没那么复杂红直接车九进三将,比较简明。因为有这着,黑方不吃仕,改走炮4平3、象5退3等着法都不能维持。黑亏在前面判断有误,把红方子力都放了出来对攻。

[几度 (9-10 0:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]60楼

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