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(引用 大好人:离真相越来越近了。你这个积分能多过2.5%?)很接近按 1.5 cent per mile 算的话积分回报是 2.4%,但 cardup service charge 远低于这个数字。  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [K-K (12-8 21:06, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼

(引用 K-K:很接近按 1.5 cent per mile 算的话积分回报是 2.4%,但 cardup service charge 远低于这个数字。)非现金的回报对我来说都是耍流氓只有对经常飞的人才有意义。现金为王。  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [大好人 (12-8 22:38, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]22楼

厉害没想到  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [闲逛一下 (12-9 8:32, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼

(引用 K-K:很接近按 1.5 cent per mile 算的话积分回报是 2.4%,但 cardup service charge 远低于这个数字。)如果你真的有研究过的话,2022年及以前交税现金折扣可以高达4%.

Cardup(-2%)+UOB one card(5%)+HSBC(1%)=4%,每个月最高两千。税不够的话还可以用其他的花费来凑。


Gone with those good old dates.
 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [大好人 (12-9 9:05, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]24楼

(引用 K-K:有更好的选择1. 有些信用卡可以用来直接还 income tax,有 service charge,但同时可以赚信用卡的积分。scb visa infinite 是其中service...)大佬我可不愿意出这些卡的$600年费,给多少里程都没兴趣。你自己觉得经常飞可以占便宜是自己的事,不代表大多数人。

Scb Visa Infinite Credit Card

Annual Fees S$594 (including 8% GST).
This annual fee is strictly non-waivable.

DBS vantage card

Receive 12,500 DBS Points when you pay the annual fee.

12,500 DBS Points will be credited to your account within 1 working day after the annual fee of S$594 (inclusive of GST) is charged to your card.

While the annual fee is strictly non-waivable for the first year, you will enjoy a waiver in the subsequent years if a minimum of S$60,000 worth of retail spend is made in the preceding Card Year^. Please note that the 12,500 DBS Points (25,000 miles) will not be awarded if the Annual Fee is waived.

 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [大好人 (12-9 9:18, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]25楼

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