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请问,在National Library借的书可以online renew吗?
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请问,在National Library借的书可以online renew吗?如果可以,网址是什么?

如果不可以,那是一定要带书去lib renew


[zizi (10-22 19:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

可以online renewlib.nus.edu.sg

login into My Link
[辰星 (10-22 21:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 辰星:可以online renewlib.nus.edu.sg login into My Link)national library借的可以在nus library renew???[吴越浪子 (10-22 22:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 吴越浪子:national library借的可以在nus library renew???)同问[zizi (10-22 22:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

http://www.nlb.gov.sg/choose "check my account" in the menu list (located in the up right", then renew the book you want. S$0.5 each renew.[hchen2002 (10-22 23:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

(引用 hchen2002:http://www.nlb.gov.sg/choose "check my account" in the menu list (located in the up right", then renew the book you want. S$0.5 )非常非常谢谢我前两天对着那个网页半个小时

[zizi (10-23 0:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

(引用 hchen2002:http://www.nlb.gov.sg/choose "check my account" in the menu list (located in the up right", then renew the book you want. S$0.5 )非常非常谢谢我前两天对着那个网页半个小时

[zizi (10-23 0:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 zizi:同问)-________- 看走眼了..[辰星 (10-23 0:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

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