ep: employer will need to pay
temp ep: employer will need to pay
of course ep is more expensive than temp ep
pr: employee will need to pay
some companies support employees to apply pr coz they do not want to pay the application fee + 体检fee for employee
some companies would rather pay the fees and do not support employees to apply pr, coz they want you to stay,
but jsut to remind you that: once you apply pr in one company and the company supports you, you better not to change job until your application is approved.
one bad luck guy's story is : his application is being approved after he jumped to another company which does not support employee to apply pr:((
am thinking that pr status may be more useful and practical:
1, employer pays cpf for you (law)
2, can enjoy almost all citizen benifits while do not need to join the army (first generation only)
3, pr status is 5 - 10 years, first apply usu. 5 years, which means, you do not need to worry about your staying status for a long period as 5 yrs...
decision is yours,