Tenancy and property ownership status
Tenants must not be tenants of public rental HDB flats or owners of other HDB flats unless they are:
Divorced/ legally separated. In this case, only 1 party can rent a HDB flat from another flat owner
Owners who are eligible to rent out their whole flat. However, they must rent out their own flat within a month after they have rented an HDB flat from another flat owner
Tenants must not be owners of Executive Condominium units where the 5-year MOP has not been met.
Tenancy and property ownership status
Tenants must not be tenants of public rental HDB flats or owners of other HDB flats unless they are:
Divorced/ legally separated. In this case, only 1 party can rent a HDB flat from another flat owner
Owners who are eligible to rent out their whole flat. However, they must rent out their own flat within a month after they have rented an HDB flat from another flat owner
Tenants must not be owners of Executive Condominium units where the 5-year MOP has not been met.