A surprise from MindChamps Preschool — $480 graduation package A surprise from MindChamps Preschool — $480 graduation package
On 14 Jun, our son brought back a form to ask us to sign. It is a form regarding the year end graduation concert.
At the first glance, I understand this is a grand event to bring all MindChamps K2 kids to attend a mega graduation concert.
What is that? This seems something new. The management team had never communicated with us at beginning of the year, during the curriculum talk.
With a further read, I found it is difficult to understand the intention of this event — what is the benefit for the island wide K2 kids to attend this grand event? How about the past school based graduation concert? We had so much fun to see our kids standing on the stage in the past years and have been looking forward to it since beginning of the year! We are K2 now!!
With a worried heart, I immediately called the centre director and principal to understand the detail arrangement. To our surprise, (more...)
我们去过一阵就果断退了,一个注册费就四百多,邮件的用语跟传销一样,总之就是把这些小瓜在学校里受到的教育吹上了天,包装得跟贵族学校一样,吃得比pcf还差, 最让人不齿的是大部分老师都只是做自己的份内工作,新来的也不会主动去问候交流,全部都给form teacher, 即便这样也挡不住一堆家长送自己的孩子去接受所谓的超前教育。这样的学前教育再加上上市了,完全就是以吸金为第一目标。还有就是楼主应该很难联系到愿意曝光的媒体,MC的公关强大到基本上搜不到关于它们的负面评论,即使有在本地论坛出现过都被删光了,留下的都是吹捧的帖子。