短期签证就自动延长了 当时好像也是时间不够了 因为体检什么的也拖了一两个星期 材料补交又拖了一个星期
Your Visit Pass (short term) which is issued on 27/10/2013 and valid till 26/11/2013 has been extended on the same condition to 26/12/2013 under Regulation 12(6) of Immigration Regulations.
不过以防万一 mm还是写去ica问一下吧
我记得好像是申请ltvp的时候短期签证就自动延长了 当时好像也是时间不够了 因为体检什么的也拖了一两个星期 材料补交又拖了一个星期
Your Visit Pass (short term) which is issued on 27/10/2013 and valid till 26/11/2013 has been extended on the same condition to 26/12/2013 under Regulation 12(6) of Immigration Regulations.
不过以防万一 mm还是写去ica问一下吧