singapore is a city state and it only
has 3 universities. it is impossible to form the ivy league or 985-211 kind of elite universities alumni group in US or China's context
so the only way is to for the primary amd secondary schools to form their elite enclave. besides, China and US may have other social barriers that we are not aware of, like hukou. in singapore anyone is free to move to anywhere on the island as long as they have the money.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 爱游泳的鼠 的帖子 “and”
so the only way is to for the primary amd secondary schools to form their elite enclave. besides, China and US may have other social barriers that we are not aware of, like hukou. in singapore anyone is free to move to anywhere on the island as long as they have the money.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 爱游泳的鼠 的帖子 “and”
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