你是否接受你的孩子' 平庸 '?
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-10-31 12:20:07  13楼 
据说那些容易做出错误决定的孩子,就是从小什么都让家长决定没有机会自己做决定We must understand that making good choices is like any other activity: It has to be learned. All loving parents face essentially the same challenge: raising children who have their heads on straight and will have a good chance to make it in the big world. Every sincere mom and dad strives to attain this goal. We must equip our darling offspring to make the move from total dependence on us to independence, from being controlled by us to controlling themselves. As parents, this means we must allow for failures and help our kids make the most of them during their elementary school days, when the price tags are still reasonable. The cost of learning how to live in our world is growing up daily. The price a child pays today to learn about friendships, school, learning, commitment, decision making, and responsibility is the cheapest it will ever be. The older a child gets, the bigger the decisions become and the graver the consequences o (more...)
Ineffective Parenting Styles:

Helicopter Parents—They hover over
and then rescue their children whenever
trouble arises. They’re always
pulling their children out of jams.

Turbo-Attack Helicopter Model—
These parents, in their zeal to protect
their young, swoop down like jetpowered
AH-64 Apache attack
helicopters on any person or agency
they see as a threat to their child’s
impeccable credentials.

Drill Sergeant Parents—They feel that
the more they bark and the more they
control, the better their kids will be in
the long run.

Effective Parenting Style:

Consultant Parents—They ask their
children questions and offer choices.
Instead of telling their children what
to do, they put the burden of decision
making on their kids’ shoulders.
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