Gloria Estefan - Steal Your Heart
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作者:马甲甲甲 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1503) 发表:2009-08-06 22:03:04  楼主  关注此帖评分:
~~~~~~每月一歌活动:八月─开帖送分!~~~~~~回国了一个多月,眼看着版上帖子一点点增加却没办法看也没办法和大家讨论,实在是心急。今天终于花了好长一段时间看完了错过的帖子,心情实在是无比激动啊!于是,就滥用了一下职权,把这个月的每月一歌改成送分帖啦~ 规则如下: 1. 想想你最喜欢的歌手/乐队是谁? 2. 挑一首他们的歌发上来 3. [注意!!!]一定要写你为什么喜欢这个歌手/乐队,否则视为无效贴。欢迎贴各种介绍性的文字上来,但是希望能有点自己写的感受。 4. 每个人的第一个有效贴送红心,然后依次递减,从第六个有效帖起送草花
Gloria Estefan - Steal Your Heart

但是这些荣耀都不足以与Gloria那如酒一样醇的声线和令我无比信仰爱情的歌词相提并论。她让这首歌饱满如热带雨林,让人想要用一切的美好去充盈自己和别人的生命,教其安稳平静,又充满喜乐 - 不论是爱情、亲情、进取、沮丧、泪水、欢笑、痛楚、快乐,都在鼓点和吉他上永远阳光灿烂、坚定不移地勃发着。永恒不灭的东西可以是死,也可以是无数的生,而听Gloria的歌,让我坚信后者。


I don't mean to be the teardrop spilling over your resentments
Don't intend to be the cry with which you voice your discontentment
I don't wanna be a picture, fading slowly from your memory
Don't intend to be a shadow simply darkening your passage

Only wanna lose myself behind the mirror of your eyes
Be the only balm that soothes the secret passions in your life
Only want to lose my senses, lose your sorrow, calm this madness
Be the only one you count on to alleviate your sadness

I'll steal your heart and set it free
Tear down the walls that would surround you
I may hold you close to me
But these ties will never bind you

I don't mean to be the fire that's igniting your temptations
Don't intend to the the sword that runs you through with adoration
I don't want to be a whisper my emotions wrapped in silence
Don't intend to be the shout reminding you that time is priceless

Only want to be the wind that lifts you high above the ground
Living only to unleash the sacred powers that we've found
Only want to beathe your essence, be your comfort, fill with laughter
Every moment that we live from this day on, forever after

I'll steal your heart and set it free
So free, I'm sure it will astound you
Without my love you'll never be
In some way, I'll always find you

I'll steal your heart and set it free
Tear down the walls that would surround you
I may hold you close to me
But these ties will never bind you

Only want to be the wind that lifts you high above the ground
Living only to unleash the sacred powers that we've found
Only want to beathe your essence, be your comfort, fill with laughter
Every moment that we live from this day on, forever after

I'll steal your heart and set it free
So free, I'm sure it will astound you
Without my love you'll never be
In some way, I'll always find you

I'll steal your heart and set it free
Tear down the walls that would surround you
I may hold you close to me
But these ties will never bind you

I'll steal your heart and set it free
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作者:马甲甲甲 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1503) 发表:2009-08-11 19:00:08  2楼
王菲 - 人间看到这个月的要求的时候其实想了很久,因为我想不起来自己最喜欢哪个歌手或者乐队。直到今天这个名字才在一闪念之间想起来。最开始听王菲的歌是在2000年,《寓言》那张专辑。自那以后,她只出了两三张新唱片,就隐退了。现在又有复出的消息,不知道是否会延续过去的辉煌啊。 喜欢王菲,是由于她的独特的嗓音加上林夕出色的作词。没有这样的词的话,王菲的歌很可能只是“好听”而已,谈不上个性鲜明。而若由别人来演绎这样的歌词,可能就少了一份超脱和空灵。 可以出现在这个帖子里的王菲+林夕的歌有很多,这里只挑了《人间》作为代表,温和辛辣兼而有之,不会太过火也不会太软弱: (more...)
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