In most cases, during daytime and downwind if the highway, the air
is back at urban background levels at around 400 m from the centerline
of the road. Things get bit more complicated during nighttime, but I'd
say that's the big picture. And as always with things like this, the
decay is exponential, so e.g. 150 m away from the road you have like
three times lower concentrations than at 100 m from the road. I'd be
happy to buy a home that was more than 300 m away from the nearest
Source: used to be a part of quite a few mobile studies of urban air quality and pollution gradients from highways.
结论: 住家离高速建议有400m的距离
(显然,之前讨论过的Normanton P 就不符合这条)。
扯淡 高校的连声波衰减公式都没列出来 曲线也没画 张嘴就说400米?
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