【房】有人的律师费比我的贵吗 4800距离Completion date还有半个月
昨天收到律师信 让准备4800新币的cheque
原句是这么写的Please also let us have your cheque for 4,800.00 in favour of xxxx being our costs and disbursements herein.
厚着脸皮邮件回去 问4800 是包括什么?
For our legal fees, we are charging S$3000 (legal fees) excluding disbursements and GST. Disbursements will include fees such as S$500 stamp fee on the mortgage and registration fees payable to third parties like Singapore Land Authority and other government agencies. We will let you have the detailed invoice shortly.
印象中律师费不是都在3000 左右吗?还是最近有什么新行情我不知道吗?
感觉被Overcharge了 又不知道怎么解?
该帖荣获当日十大第2,奖励楼主18分以及27华新币,时间:2021-06-17 22:00:05。