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作者:Finland12 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:4619) 发表:2020-03-31 21:57:27  楼主  关注此帖
大家的贷款可以去找银行申请延期了31 Mar: COVID19 Singapore Mortgage Loans:> Measures to help individuals include allowing them to defer either principal payment or both principal and interest payments on their residential property loans until Dec 31> Interest will accrue only on the deferred principal amount, and no interest will be charged on the deferred interest payments, the MAS.Unsecured Loans: > Those with unsecured loans can also apply to their lenders to convert their outstanding balances into term loans at a reduced rate of interest, capped at 8 per centInsurance: > Customers of life and health insurance policies can apply to their insurer to defer premium payments for up to six months while maintaining insurance coverage.> Premium deferment is available for all individual life and health insurance policies with a policy renewal or premium due date between April 1 and Sept 30.> General insurance policyholders for property and vehicles may apply to their insurers for instalment payment plans while mai (more...)
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