最好就是提前去趟jb或者让马来西亚的同事朋友买张touch n go的卡(屈臣氏的会员卡就是touch n go的卡),入境缴费必须要用的,充值最少50马币。
然后赶早去申请VEP tag,官方消息说10月起没有VEP tag的无法入境。我是上个月去JB的REN刷房的时候顺便去办了。
尽管马国偷车案例这几年已经下降不少,但去年一年还有3万6千例失窃案。 几年下来只丢了一两起新加坡牌照的车?呵呵
There is a drop of 14.6% in 2014 compared to 2013, 10.7% in 2015 (compared to 2014), 10.4% in 2016, 12.9% in 2017 and 14.7% in 2018, he said.
“Vehicle theft is categorised as a property crime, which contributed to 40% of the nation’s crime index annually.
“In the last five years, vehicle thefts have been reduced from 70,847 cases in 2013 to 35,953 in 2018,” he said.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/03/27/cops-vehicle-thefts-on-a-decline/#xpVe0R88vYH67QO8.99
There is a drop of 14.6% in 2014 compared to 2013, 10.7% in 2015 (compared to 2014), 10.4% in 2016, 12.9% in 2017 and 14.7% in 2018, he said.
“Vehicle theft is categorised as a property crime, which contributed to 40% of the nation’s crime index annually.
“In the last five years, vehicle thefts have been reduced from 70,847 cases in 2013 to 35,953 in 2018,” he said.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/03/27/cops-vehicle-thefts-on-a-decline/#xpVe0R88vYH67QO8.99