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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-24 11:32:43  楼主  关注此帖
国内的朋友要来新加坡投资房产,只想买别墅。最低价格多少?什么地段?他不是新加坡的PR --- 该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2018-05-24 22:00:05。
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-24 11:53:46  2楼
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-24 11:54:59  3楼
请自行研究官方说明吧。。。 Foreign Ownership of Properties

via https://www.sla.gov.sg/Services/Restriction-on-Foreign-Ownership-of-Landed-Property


All applications to be submitted online

A foreign person who wishes to purchase a landed residential property is required to seek approval under the Residential Property Act. A foreign person means any person who is not a –

  • Singapore citizen;
  • Singapore company;
  • Singapore limited liability partnership; or
  • Singapore society.

Each applicant is assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration, including but not limited to, the following factors: 

(a) You should be a permanent resident of Singapore for at least five years; and 
(b) You must make exceptional economic contribution to Singapore. This is assessed taking into consideration factors such as your employment income assessable for tax in Singapore.

The ownership restrictions are provided in the Residential Property Act.

You can apply online at www.sla.gov.sg/ldau.  

For more information on foreign ownership of residential properties, please refer to the FAQs.

You can also send us an email or contact us at:

Land Dealings Approval Unit
Singapore Land Authority
55 Newton Road
#12-01 Revenue House
Singapore 307987

Tel: 6478-3444

What types of property must a foreign person seek approval under the Residential Property Act to purchase?

  • Vacant residential land;
  • Terrace house;
  • Semi-detached house;
  • Bungalow/detached house;
  • Strata landed house which is not within an approved condominium development under the Planning Act (eg. townhouse or cluster house);
  • Shophouse (for non-commercial use);
  • Association premises;
  • Place of worship; and
  • Worker’s dormitory/serviced apartments/boarding house (not registered under the provisions of the Hotels Act).

What types of property can a foreign person purchase without approval under the Residential Property Act?

  • Condominium unit;
  • Flat unit;
  • Strata landed house in an approved condominium development;
  • A leasehold estate in a landed residential property for a term not exceeding 7 years, including any further term which may be granted by way of an option for renewal;
  • Shophouse (for commercial use);
  • Industrial and commercial properties;
  • Hotel (registered under the provisions of the Hotels Act); and
  • Executive condominium unit, HDB flat and HDB shophouse. (For this category, you may wish to find out more information on HDB eligibility guidelines at www.hdb.gov.sg or email HDB at hdbsales@mailbox.hdb.gov.sg.)
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-24 11:55:44  4楼
外国人也可以考坡上的中介执照?? 目测层主百密一疏了。。。
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-24 11:57:42  5楼
你的朋友可以买以下两种landed倒不是一定要99年,不过这样看像west cove和loyang villa那种strata title的landed你就买不了了,只能买公寓里面的那种,可以看看NEWest,这个是999年的,如果外国人可以买的话我觉得值得,虽然离高速近了点,不过以后也会有个地铁站,算是999里面不错的了。 Strata landed house in an approved condominium development; A leasehold estate in a landed residential property for a term not exceeding 7 years, including any further term which may be granted by way of an option for renewal;
阿球你又调皮了。。。NEWest 那里哪有靠近的地铁站啊??
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-24 12:02:59  6楼
手动量了一下1.2千米啊。。 得走15分钟
10分钟之内不能实现 小区门口 - 地铁站刷卡处 请勿表示近地铁
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-24 12:03:32  7楼
看了下地图是有点远,我被twin vew靠近未来地铁站的介绍误导了,反正这个靠近twin vew,如果twin vew说自己靠近,NEWest也可以说,反正都是一片地
twin vew是1km之内。。10分钟可能走到的 不一样啊
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73347) 发表:2018-05-25 10:07:20  8楼
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