学了一个新词涨姿势了 GCB好贵啊 Good class bungalows, more commonly known as GCBs, are considered the most exclusive residential properties in Singapore. They are in the news again after two bungalows were put up for tender recently.
Last week, a GCB at Chee Hoon Avenue in prime District 11 was offered for sale at $25 million. Prior to that, one along Holland Road with an indicative price of $30 million was looking for buyers.
在The Shelford斜对面,隔一条Adam Road。屋价目测五百万起跳,动辄上千万。住那里的家长都好有钱啊,小孩都是含着银汤匙出生的
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 滚雪球 的帖子 “Chee Hoon Avenue也是南洋和莱佛士女校双学区房”
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 滚雪球 的帖子 “Chee Hoon Avenue也是南洋和莱佛士女校双学区房”
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