1200 should be the first 6 months only...after than the leasing price could
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作者:hahaha (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:768) 发表:2013-09-26 11:47:52  楼主  关注此帖
路过车行看到1200/每月开走一辆轿车-”租车“现在这么高的COE,50%的首付,很多人都不会去买车,可是租车呢? 不是传统意义上的租车,我打听了一下,还真有个朋友1200/每月去租了,合同要签5年,就是说你要至少租5年,然后可以更新,买断等等的。 其实想想,新加坡就10年的COE和租车有什么不一样呢? 要去车行具体了解一下看看到底有什么条款。有没有已经去”租“了的,分享一下。 大家讨论讨论这个可行不可行。据说政府现在还没说不可以。 PS:某欧洲车,韩国日本车行还没开始这个服务。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第7,奖励楼主6分以及9华新币,时间:2013-09-21 22:00:01。
1200 should be the first 6 months only...after than the leasing price could
reach as high as 1600 to 1800/ month for Peugeot 308 1.6A.

if 1200/month for 5 years,,,that's very very very cheap already in view of the high COE price now.

you must read carefully the terms and conditions on the "lease and drive" packages... :)
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作者:hahaha (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:768) 发表:2013-09-27 17:10:42  2楼
多谢我只是看到广告,没仔细看条款。 1200/月,5年也不低啊,1200*12*5=72000 当然要是6个月后边1600/月,1800/月那就更高了。不过确实要读具体条款,要看包不包路税,保险。
Car leasing is targeted at Expats whose company has allowance for them to
pay for car leasing and condo rental..... not for us... sad...

yes, must read" terms and conditions" carefully. For example, you can lease Suzuki Swift 1.6 sports for S$1000/month...( for first 6 months only...after that the leasing increases to S$1500/month and you month salary must be at least 5 times of that figure).... :)
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