apply to resale applications received on or after 27Aug2013 5:30pm
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作者:蕊儿 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:332) 发表:2013-08-27 19:14:28  楼主  关注此帖
apply to resale applications received on or after 27Aug2013 5:30pm

(IV) Measures to Further Stabilise the HDB Resale Market

(e) Revision of Mortgage Loan Terms

16 To ensure financial prudence in purchase of public housing and discourage over-consumption, we will reduce the maximum tenure for HDB housing loans from 30 years to 25 years. The Mortgage Servicing Ratio (MSR) limit will also be reduced from 35% to 30% of the borrower’s gross monthly income (see Annex C for details). These measures are in line with those introduced by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to encourage financial prudence among borrowers, which is especially important given that the current low interest rate environment is unlikely to be sustained.

17 In tandem, the MAS will reduce the maximum tenure of new housing loans and re-financing facilities granted by financial institutions for the purchase of HDB flats (including DBSS flats) from 35 years to 30 years. New loans with tenures exceeding 25 years and up to 30 years will be subject to tighter loan-to-value (LTV) limits .

(f) Requiring Singapore Permanent Resident Households to Wait Three Years

18 Currently, Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) households, i.e. SPR households with no Singapore citizen owner, may buy resale HDB flats as soon as they acquire SPR status.

19 We have reviewed this policy and have decided that SPR households should wait three years from the date of obtaining SPR status, before they can buy a resale HDB flat.

20 This measure will apply to resale applications received on or after 27 Aug 2013, 5:30pm.

21 For further enquiries on any of the above measures, the public can contact HDB:
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作者:蕊儿 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:332) 发表:2013-08-27 19:17:22  2楼
政府再次推出两项新措施。5:30pm开始。  (联合早报网讯)政府再次推出两项新措施,进一步为组屋转售市场降温。政府将把组屋贷款年限,从30年缩短至25年;而组屋房屋贷款每月偿还贷款比率(Mortgage Servicing Ratio,简称MSR)则将从之前的35%下调到30%。   《联合早报》记者曾昭鹏报道,此外,从即日起,外籍家庭在成为新加坡的永久居民后,必须等多三年,才能在公开市场购买转售组屋。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<<< 怎么感觉zf会放宽PR申请,那么租金会上涨? --- 该帖荣获当日十大第2,奖励楼主18分以及27华新币,时间:2013-08-27 22:00:01。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第2,奖励楼主18分以及27华新币,时间:2013-08-28 22:00:00。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第10,奖励楼主1分以及1华新币,时间:2013-08-29 22:00:02。
政策完整版链接 见内
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作者:蕊儿 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:332) 发表:2013-08-30 11:30:30  3楼
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