不过资金不够雄厚的还是暂时不要考虑店铺了,我个人觉得选择位置方面水比较深,目前我还没有自信敢拍胸脯说XXX地方值得买,任何大家都知道的值得买的地段价格都被炒的很离谱了。估价才600万的店屋开价800万居然也卖掉了!!牛车水珍珠大厦里面破破烂烂巴掌大的小店面也可以开到200多万。08年到现在价格翻了一倍多的店屋在市区比比皆是。西部的NEWEST mix development快开盘了,尼玛所有的commercial property 预计6000块一尺!!我以为自 (more...)
信息有点过时了,investment holding startup已经不再享有稅率优惠
As announced in Budget 2013, the Tax Exemption scheme does not apply to the following companies incorporated after 25 Feb 2013:
A company whose principal activity is that of investment holding; and
A company whose principal activity is that of developing properties for sale, for investment, or for both investment and sale.
Investment holding companies derive only passive incomes such as dividend and interest income, while the real estate industry typically incorporates a new company for each new property development. The start-up tax exemption for encouraging entrepreneurship is not intended for such companies. These companies will be given partial tax exemption.
As announced in Budget 2013, the Tax Exemption scheme does not apply to the following companies incorporated after 25 Feb 2013:
A company whose principal activity is that of investment holding; and
A company whose principal activity is that of developing properties for sale, for investment, or for both investment and sale.
Investment holding companies derive only passive incomes such as dividend and interest income, while the real estate industry typically incorporates a new company for each new property development. The start-up tax exemption for encouraging entrepreneurship is not intended for such companies. These companies will be given partial tax exemption.