求助 签了OTP还可以不买房吗?
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2012-03-10 16:02:20  10楼 
违约的话,恐怕损失巨大。屋主那边,如果你们谈妥的是50万成交,如果违约,他可以迅速把房子40万卖掉,然后上法院向你追讨10万的损失,你必输。 银行的话,贷款正式批下来,你可以选择不执行,但不执行的话,要赔给银行一大笔。这个看银行了,合约里面有些。
HDB may require the seller and/or the buyer to furnish a written explanation on the difference between the declared resale price and the prevailing market valuation of the flat if the declared price is below the prevailing market valuation.

If the reason(s) given for the difference between the declared resale price and the prevailing market valuation of the flat is/are deemed not acceptable by HDB, HDB may withhold approval or cancel the resale application.
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