不管怎么样,如果你要是细说的话,平均2009年也在3800以上。而2009 IT, PROFESSIONAL FINANCE, 平均分别是5253,6893,4957。而这是平均值。。。当然我们知道有些人拿得大头很大。如果有兴趣,当然更好是看75, 50, 25 PERCENTILE。好像我这种八卦的人。
P.S:Average monthly nominal earnings are computed using data from the CPF Board. They include bonuses, if any,
but exclude employers' CPF contributions. Data pertain to all full-time and part-time employees who contribute
to the CPF. Data exclude all identifiable self-employed persons.
Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.