你可以来我的网站看一下, 我有代理几间著名的汽车保险公司
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作者:nuswolf (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:579) 发表:2008-08-04 13:49:40  楼主  关注此帖评分:
谁能推荐一下买汽车保险的agent,想给新车上一个比较合理便宜的保险, 多谢
你可以来我的网站看一下, 我有代理几间著名的汽车保险公司


- Insurance Company
- Agent
- Workshop restriction
- Additional benefits like No claim discount protector and loss of use benefit, etc

你可以填写你的 details at http://sgmoneymatters.com/motorquote, 我可以给你几个quotation做比较, 如果 urgent 可以打电话给我 96826750

btw, you can subscribe to my blog at http://blog.sgmoneymatters.com, 我会定期更新新加坡保险和金融的信息

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作者:nuswolf (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:579) 发表:2008-08-08 17:23:14  2楼
对,最好不要经过中介。我们除了自己在网上查,也找了中介。 中介给的价钱水分太大了。同样的NTUC的多了几百块。如果拿回我们去年一样的公司,比我们去年的保费还高。 太夸张了,没有claim, 也不是new driver了,无论如何不能比去年高啊。中介的解释:今年物价上涨了。。。 也许有好的中介,我没碰上的。 不过车的保险真的比人的保险简单的多。自己上网看看不同package的比较,也就差不多了。
when a person buy MSIG insurance online, he uses DBS as his agent. DBS got same commission as an individual agent and they don't service you. so effectively, the person could have got a worse deal.

The reason why your motor insurance is more expensive is because of several reasons:

* due to million dollar lost in motor insurance industry, all insurance companies in singapore increase their premiums
* cars with the same model as yours in ntuc might have made more claims.
* there is 2% increase in GST

it is just natural feeling that we are not comfortable if we KNOW we are paying someone for service. but you don't stop dinning out just because of the 10% service charge right?
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