跟单 @clementine mrt
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作者:混血王子 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:27) 发表:2013-11-17 02:21:29  楼主  关注此帖
[五月天团]amazon 11月直运团,yewtee/jureast/clementi/本地快递,也可代下不直运的凑满125就下单。 取货地址:只能周末 yewtee/jurongeast/clementi mrt分货, 或者团长家自取(yewtee附近,步行5分钟), 也可以邮寄,到付,6块起,提前跟我说一下,我好留几个箱子。 买可以直运的,即在amazon商品页面 (product detail) 有写 Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. (fulfilled by amazon的不买,运费有差别。) Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S. 也可代下amazon不能直运的东西,根我的vpost一起转运回来。
跟单 @clementine mrt
HP: 86714378

Gnc Pro Performance Amplified 100% Protein Drink, Chocolate, 2 Pounds
Price: $34.12
Link: w**.a****n.***/Performance-Amplified-Protein-Chocolate-Pounds/dp/B004Q6SUPQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384625212&sr=8-1&keywords=gnc+whey+protein

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作者:混血王子 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:27) 发表:2013-11-17 02:22:50  2楼
[五月天团]amazon 11月直运团,yewtee/jureast/clementi/本地快递,也可代下不直运的凑满125就下单。 取货地址:只能周末 yewtee/jurongeast/clementi mrt分货, 或者团长家自取(yewtee附近,步行5分钟), 也可以邮寄,到付,6块起,提前跟我说一下,我好留几个箱子。 买可以直运的,即在amazon商品页面 (product detail) 有写 Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. (fulfilled by amazon的不买,运费有差别。) Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S. 也可代下amazon不能直运的东西,根我的vpost一起转运回来。
【修单】跟单 @clementine mrt
HP: 86714378
Gnc Pro Performance Amplified 100% Protein Drink, Chocolate, 2 Pounds
Price: $34.12
Link: w**.a****n.***/Performance-Amplified-Protein-Chocolate-Pounds/dp/B004Q6SUPQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384625212&sr=8-1&keywords=gnc+whey+protein

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作者:混血王子 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:27) 发表:2013-11-17 17:22:29  3楼
【修单】跟单 @clementine mrtID:混血王子 HP: 86714378 【不能直运的好像。。。】 Gnc Pro Performance Amplified 100% Protein Drink, Chocolate, 2 Pounds Price: $34.12 Qty:2 Link: w**.a****n.***/Performance-Amplified-Protein-Chocolate-Pounds/dp/B004Q6SUPQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384625212&sr=8-1&keywords=gnc+whey+protein 谢谢团长啦。。。顺便求问vpost邮费大概多少呀
如果v post 邮费分摊下来超过20刀的话就算啦
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