3月西部drugstore团, 可以买gnc(金卡周)和别的
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作者:sunnysunnyrain (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:7528) 发表:2012-03-02 14:05:50  79楼 
试过但是都不能用,好像跟GNC金卡的offer不能combined,说我已经有special offer了所以还是金卡的20%更划算,不管怎样,谢谢mm。 PLEASE NOTE: There is no current promotion associated with the coupon code you entered. Please check the code and try again. 直接点这个coupon进去也不行,不能用,msg是这样的 Sorry Thanks for your interest in this special offer. You currently have a special offer in your shopping bag that cannot be mixed with this particular special offer. Many of our promotional offers cannot be combined. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Care.
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