说一说我上次的类似经历我上次从美国买了四个东西。第一个包裹很早到了,其他三个等了快10天之后差不多同时显示到了Vpost,但是Vpost网站上一直显示只有两个包裹。等了好几天,突然发现状态变了,四个包裹都到了,然后就收到两个要求付钱的邮件。仔细查了查,发现第一个包裹时单独付钱,后面三个包裹一起付钱,当时觉得很奇怪,不过还是付了钱。诡异的是,第二天早上又收到两封要求付钱的邮件,这次是把后面两个包裹单独列出来了。然后Vpost上面的状态也很诡异的变成四个包裹独立的了。我给他们发邮件,打电话,要求免后面两个包裹的base charge,他们坚决不同意,说我已经付过钱了,所以不能这样,最后协商了半天,给了20%的折扣。虽然很郁闷,但是没办法。用Vpost的人话说:“谁让你不多等几天?!”
MM, this is what happened
I believe the email you mentioned as " 要求付钱的邮件" is titled "vPOSTUSA Shipment Alert".
You will receive shipement alert from vPost for EVERY package only after it is processed. Sometimes you may find the package is received by vPost but it uaually takes 1-2 more days for them to match and process. After processing, they will send you shipment alert letting you know the weight, etc but just ignore it if you have other packages to consolidate.
You will receive shipement alert from vPost for EVERY package only after it is processed. Sometimes you may find the package is received by vPost but it uaually takes 1-2 more days for them to match and process. After processing, they will send you shipment alert letting you know the weight, etc but just ignore it if you have other packages to consolidate.