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作者:mayeve (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:295) 发表:2009-12-03 13:31:00  94楼 
忘记在哪里看到的new是有这方面功效的,产后脱发的原因主要是荷尔蒙的变化,因为怀孕的时候雌性还是什么荷尔蒙水平很高,头发都不怎么掉的,现在生完,荷尔蒙开始下降,就引起脱发,忘记在哪个地方看到,说是new可以针对头皮和产后脱发的问题进行改善的。。 不知道效果又没有。。。 晕,我再啰嗦下去这边都快变成产妇板块了,跑题了。。。
Stimulating spice shampoo bar for tired scalps suffering from hormonal hair loss. In times of stress and hormonal change, like pregnancy and after giving birth, your hair can start to fall out. Fortunately, this is usually temporary, but it's a distressing thing to happen. The New Shampoo Bar is for those times. We make it with bay, clove and cinnamon essential oils to stimulate the scalp. Nourishing nettle, peppermint and rosemary add shine and soften the hair.


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