【其它】挖个坑, 打算写一个第三方的华新iOS客户端
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作者:cospace (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:152) 发表:2018-04-03 23:17:41  110楼 
Swift could be out of date.Kind of dinosaur. Keep learning new skills. Market demands RAD with support of new tools which are fast, agile and innovative. Even in Open Source areas.
If you look in decades time, any language can be outdated, any.
It’s pointless to criticize a language without a context. At least for the time being, I embrace the modern languages such as Swift, Kotlin, and look forward to the impact they can make in the industry.
[本文发送自华新iOS APP]
我在"技术の宅"版写了个华新第三方iOS客户端: https://goo.gl/8ksqB2
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