你主要想问什么?significance level threshold? 这个是arbitrarily defined at .05 (5%)。analysis的结果小于.05就是significant。大概意思就是弄错的可能性很小。
如果是问什么test,原来的article写的很清楚。univariate ANOVA yielded a significant effect of age. then t-tested were done within these age groups to find out the direct of difference and where the difference lies in.
就是你quote的前一句: "Confirming this prediction, all three age groups chose the closed box more than the two alternative choices combined and significantly above the chance-level of 33% (see Figure 2a)."
33%是那个文章定出来的,因为他们有三种response. 100/3就是33%。
33%是那个文章定出来的,因为他们有三种response. 100/3就是33%。