winxp死机,强行断电,重启后,电脑屏幕显示无信号 no signalwinxp死机,强行断电,重启后,电脑屏幕显示无信号 no signal。主机有灯光,表明有电。但是屏幕上居然一点信息都不显示。是不是硬盘坏了?还是主机和屏幕连接线或者连接端口坏了?请分析原因。谢谢。
1st check if graphic/memory ok
I suppose the cpu is alright and cpu fan is working.
unplug the harkdisk/cdrom, keep only 1 memory stick and try.
the cable is unlikely to be broken.
unplug the harkdisk/cdrom, keep only 1 memory stick and try.
the cable is unlikely to be broken.
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