给国大csers的一些建议!本人id sean。cs水平算是小鸟级的...
以下建议仅供参考, 如果有什么不对的地方, 还望各位高手指正!
最近国大的cs好像有点热起来了, 对于一个热爱cs的人来说, 这真是再好也不过了!以前teenspirit老是空空荡荡, 感觉没什么人。现在一般晚上也能凑个7,8人, 勉强可以打打地图了...遇上周末什么的, 甚至有十几二十个人, 盛况空前阿!这里感谢teenspirit同学的努力了!
不过, 每次打teenspirit, 都觉得里面的人怪怪的...(指大多数)
1.最热衷的地图是iceworld, 别的除了dust 2就没有兴趣了...
2.打法就是冲, 越猛的人分数越高!(像soyabean这种高手, iceworld反而成绩一般。。。)
3.因为server的lag有时候达到30,40, 所以经常会出现amazing shots...(有时候莫名其妙就看见自己的脑浆冒出来。。。)
4.有些人iceworld很强, 可是到了正经打地图的时候就菜的不行...
5.大多数人基本技术不过关(包括我在内)。。。类似于爆头的技术, 狙的技术, 和走位什么的都有待提高。。。(iceworld爆头是不能算的)
先说说iceworld。 说实话, 如果想真正提高cs 技术, iceworld要少打!打iceworld靠什么? 我觉得 (more...)
actually for most of the squad-based shooters, teamwork always goes against personal gratification. CS is like that, America's Army is like that, Wolfenstein is like that. All these games give the same feeling that if you just want to frag, you seldom score high and get bored easily because no one likes to team up with you.
though I myself don't play CS, I guess to call a group of people CLAN takes a lot of training and time. Hopefully, one day we will see a real CLAN from NUS/NTU.
though I myself don't play CS, I guess to call a group of people CLAN takes a lot of training and time. Hopefully, one day we will see a real CLAN from NUS/NTU.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.