Oh my god, LOD 1.10 so attractive....1.10 new armor...
Ormus' Robes
Dusk Shroud
Str Req: 77
Clvl Req: 75
Defense: 371-487 (varies) (Base Defense: 361-467)
Required Level: 75
Required Strength: 77
Durability: 20
+10-20 Defense (varies)
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+10-15% To Cold Skill Damage (varies)
+10-15% To Fire Skill Damage (varies)
+10-15% To Lightning Skill Damage (varies)
+3 bonus to a random Sorceress skill*
Regenerate Mana 10-15% (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Ormus' Robes: Most skills except Fire Mastery, Hydra, Lightning Mastery, Frozen Orb, and Cold Mastery.
from diabloii.net, these items are not finalized version. Changes are possible b4 1.10 patch is officially out.
there's no significant improvement......
anyway, i am still very interested in this coming patch.
to me, the most part of patch 1.10 is the new items.
btw i've got a question. in 1.09, immortal king's soul cage is supposed to be in black colour. But in my game, it's shown in the same colour as normal sacred armor. Any one has any idea about this?
to me, the most part of patch 1.10 is the new items.
btw i've got a question. in 1.09, immortal king's soul cage is supposed to be in black colour. But in my game, it's shown in the same colour as normal sacred armor. Any one has any idea about this?