what you are trying to do now ( at least according to what you have described) i
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-04-19 08:23:01  楼主  关注此帖
what you are trying to do now ( at least according to what you have described) i
is also not easy. In the past 6 months, US market rised almost 30%.. This means every month you have to buy 5% higher on the price, sounds scared? yes, probably not even wise if your trading horizon is less than a year. However, if you are talking about 15 years or 20 years investment time frame, This is just part of your game plan. It is the DISCIPLINE.

While on the other side, some people also talk about sell high first then buy lower. They are not wrong neither, provided their trading time frame is in week or even days. Everyone has different personality, different belief, different knowledge and background, different time they can spend to watch the market. The importance is to align the strategy consistently into your character and life.

Both long term investment and short term speculation can lead to big win or loss. The difficult part in fact is not on the perception, but execution.
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-04-19 11:54:26  2楼
你说对了想beat我,那就是beat 60%的纳斯达克+40%的标普组合,全世界的基金经理能做到这一点的都不多。
you are right about the fact that a lot of funds can't beat the benchmark.
Let me explain why it is so.

warren Buffett has a lot sayings. But one of his statement is like this:" the biggest edge as a retail investor is the "size". If you give me $1million, I can easily achieve 100% or even higher return. but if it is $20million, the return may be dramatically reduced."

For US market, except for those very illiquid stocks, a 6- figure or even low-end 7 figures US dollar market order could be easily absorbed within a second. This is exactly the 'edge' for the retail investor, because a retail participant can get in and out of a stock at whatever price with desired quantity within split second. However, the story is totally different for FUND. A fund has a lot rules and constraints. The set of the rules specify minimum market cap of the stocks they can purchase, minimum holding period, maximum shareholdings, a necessary liquidation (cut loss)requirement, and many others. Therefore, there is a natural tendency that most of the funds have to shift their focus to mid cap or big cap stocks (the fantasy 7 for example) due to liquidity constraint, and obviously most of their FUND performance is just a replication of SP500 or nasdaq100 index.

all great companies evolved from 30m-50m small cap company in the first few years, and those were the fastest growing period in their financials. If one has spare time and money to do stock selection on his own or just simply wants to challenge himself, then why not, just do it. But for many who have a full day job, index fund is still a good choice.
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-04-20 11:11:56  3楼
这就是大盘指数的魔力了我们不知道英伟达以后会不会上1000甚至2000,也不知道英伟达是不是下一个思科。所以做不到越跌越买,但是如果不重仓,即使涨很多,总收益也有限。 那怎么办?当然就是确定的指数呀,只有指数,才可以无脑入,长期来看一定是涨的。
if you look at a bit of market history,
The index performance definitely is not y=x type of trend.
Take the oldest Dow jones index for example:

1) from 1929 - 1954, it took almost 25 years to recover the financial crisis top 380
2) from 1966 - 1982, the market just went nowhere but sideways between 800 - 1000 for 16 years
3) from 2000 - 2010, the tech bubble and sub-prime crisis has made the market wild oscillating between 8000 - 14000

What I mean is sometimes in our life we need some luck. This is especially true in investing (speculating). Imagine you are living between 40s - 60s in those period and you have to force sell your stocks for your retirement at the market extremely low. It might happen. nothing is 100%. It is just that probability wise market has a good chance(as for past 100 over years, always) to recover. The question is "how long". Japan, another mega economy, took almost 35 years to recover its 1990 peak 39000 this Feb. and China...no comment

To make a fortune, have to plan first, take a risk, and hope for the best.

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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-05-07 14:56:43  4楼
你到底想说啥?股市涨涨跌跌是很正常的现象,有啥好奇怪的。2000年开始还连跌3年呢。2008还腰斩呢。疫情期间连续熔断,连巴菲特这辈子都第一次见。 但是有啥关系呢,即使从2000年高点开始持续投,现在都赚大发了。
哎呀,还是open minded 一点儿比较好啦。。。
dollar cost averaging 只是无数种投资逻辑中的一种,只要选对标的,它可能在漫长的投资周期中让投资者能跑赢通胀。但它绝对不是市场中唯一的圣杯呀。。。你想市场中有那么多的参与者,hedgers, arbitragers, long term investors, short term traders, High frequency algorithm trading, etc..... 无论哪种都有赚钱的,赔钱的,赚大钱的,赔大钱的。多听听别人说的有好处。。即使你觉得人家方法很幼稚或者错误,那不也是免费学习避雷了嘛。。
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-19 08:48:48  5楼
只要时间够久,dollar cost averaging 的胜率就越大。不走运的事肯定也会有发生的概率,比如在65岁需要卖股换钱的时候市场真的跌到了最低点。以前我也列举过美国至少有3个超过10年以上的周期是不涨或者下跌很久的例子。但只要不卖在最低点, dollar cost averaging 不会让人亏太多,毕竟还有分红,但也不会给出很可观的超额回报,。所以从这个角度说,dollar cost averaging算是偏保守的策略了。
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-19 09:03:19  6楼
but in my opinion that is exactly how the market works,
because we were, we are and we will be human, no matter when. Even AI or algorithem trading are designed by human.
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-19 09:09:52  7楼
but in my opinion that is exactly how the market works,because we were, we are and we will be human, no matter when. Even AI or algorithem trading are designed by human.
in fact i may put it in this way. you are absolutely right,
because no two events, patterns, triggers are exactly the same. it should be rather a statistical or experiential affair than an exact science. so in this sense you are damn right. I would say "belief make it happen". We just try to do what we "believe" :)
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-19 09:23:53  8楼
我是由特朗普事件而想到这个事没几个人会想到这种小概率,但是又会严重干扰政治经济格局的事件。 当然也还有很多事情还是可以predict的。
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-19 09:47:58  9楼
无需杞人忧天年轻的时候尽早投资,到了65岁的时候,即使市场跌倒了最低点,也比当初投资的价格高的多。无非是赚多赚少的区别。 何况,投的时候是分批投的,为啥卖的时候就偏偏要一次性卖在低点?如果遇到不得不那么做的时候,恐怕自己也是生死攸关了,还考虑那么多干啥。
什么情况出,卖多少。遇到紧急事件有没有预案,等等。。。这些都想好的话,这笔投资或者交易无论赚与赔,都是一个“好”字。没想好这些的话,那就是翻硬币了。 discipline is the key.
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-19 11:20:07  10楼
有个东西叫Margin有些赌徒是控制不住自己的,嘴上说不上杠杆,其实他逢低买入那些额外策略都不是自己的钱,都是杠杆。 你全部信他,就输了。 总之,你看他的发帖,从推崇标普500,到纳斯达克,到美股七姐妹,到加杠杆策略,完全是什么涨得厉害就投什么,没有任何纪律。 投资,考验的是人性。为了暴富而投资,和为了锦上添花而投资,完全不同。
哈哈,说起margin. 新加坡的交易所的“Contra”,
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-19 18:40:01  11楼
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-07-21 00:18:07  12楼
所以在新的entry $430这个位置你的计划是什么? 为什么买$430这个价格?要持股几天(从你卖460买430我猜你是按天算)?目标价位还是原来的双头$460-$470吗?如果下个周一经过长周末gap down 比如开在$427怎么应对?如果MSFT如你所愿真的反弹到$455但是差点到$460就又下来了,出吗?还是这些都不重要,走一步看一步?
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-08-07 09:24:25  13楼
第一次听说,定投QQQ的人不是投资盲我知道投资和投机的分别 不过,定投QQQ算投资吗? 你是在投资吗? 说别人是投资盲的时候,你算什么?投资专家? 真的好笑到不知道说什么好了
统计学,或者金融学的博士才能买卖,而是对于普罗大众只要具备正常的智商,一定的初始资金就可以买卖。但这并不是说没有门槛,最基本的必要的知识还是要掌握,否则100%没法生存。"dollar cost averaging" 这个名词第一次出现应该是在巴菲特的老师 Benjamin Graham 的 "the intelligent investor" 的书里。他明确定义了“Dollar cost averaging means simply that the practitioner invests in common stocks the same number of dollars each month or each quarter . 这里他说的common stock 指的应该不是个股,而是广义的broader market. 同时他明确得指出了 dollar cost averaging 是一种 “formula investing”, 或者说" algorithm investing"

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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-08-07 10:09:54  14楼
有时候dollar cost average 这几个字眼有点迷惑人,
因为大家会比较自然地把目光放在average上,但其实不是真的average, 比如每个月投$100, 假设今天价格是10$, 所以买了10股,下个月同一天比如价格涨了10倍,到了$100, 按照原则只能买1股, 所以两个月的成本是$18.1。 再加上dividend reinvest, 长期是一个巨大的复利,这应该就是dollar cost averaging 这个策略的本意。 在历史上以20年为一个周期,dollar cost averaging只有1929大萧条跌90%和日本20年跌80%的那2-3年,如果投资者卖到了最低点才是赔钱的,其他任何时间剔除inflation都是赚的。

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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-08-07 10:48:28  15楼
这就是专业投资人和普通投资人的区别 专业投资人,毕生的追求就是alpha,是大盘之外的额外收益。这是专业人士存在的基础。即使绝大多数的专业投资人都跑不过大盘,也一直在往这个方向走。如果都这些人也躺平投大盘,那等于是自己砸了自己的饭碗,失去了存在的意义
哦, 对了, 我觉得你上次提到过跌5%, 10%, 15, 20% 分别挂单,
我想了想这样的操作还是要小心一点,因为在市场一直温和健康上涨的情况下这样肯定能把收益提高不少,但是同样这也意味着在高位没有投入同样的 dollar amount. 没人能100%确定这个5%或者10%的回调是一个正常上涨趋势中的回调还是猛烈下跌的第一波, 如果是后者这样加码就会变成高位加仓,违背了dollar cost averaging的本意,你可以再考虑一下
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-08-07 10:52:56  16楼
老巴这样先发先至的优势甚至可以制造趋势和行情,极端想象,只要他先入场搞几个大盘股,啥也不干,只要大量散户们持续交出工资去定投,他就能坐收涨幅。出事了他也比小散们知道的早的多。 更极端点什么时候出事他都能干预
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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:436) 发表:2024-08-07 13:13:06  17楼
没必要神话dollar cost averaging 说人话就是定期补仓, 不做波段的好处就是损失减弱,收益也减弱, 要我说 re-balancing才是个技术活,
兄弟。。补仓在中文的意思是"average down"....
而 DCA 更多的时候是在average up.... 金融从业人员如果真的咬文嚼字起来还是要更严谨啊。。。
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