SA已经有6万了就无所谓留不留OA吧反正额外1%是combined balance(文末贴了官方解释),这个balance是从OA还是SA来没差,不需要用3.5%去跟贷款利率比,就是用2.5%比。
Your accounts are used to compute your combined CPF balances in the following order:
- 1st: Retirement Account (RA), including any CPF LIFE premium balance
- 2nd: OA, with a cap of $20,000*
- 3rd: Special Account (SA)
- 4th: MediSave Account (MA)
*A cap of $20,000 from OA is imposed because OA savings are short-term in nature and can be withdrawn on demand for a few purposes such as housing and education.