淡马锡控股 Q2 中资股全踩雷
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作者:54qnian (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2230) 发表:2021-08-18 10:33:01  24楼 
GIC也投了中概股,希望不要损失太多吧刚看了一个报道 “阿里巴巴、蚂蚁集团和腾讯都是GIC和淡马锡参与投资的公司。 它们也各投资2亿美元在中国独角兽企业“猿辅导”,成为这家线上教育公司的最大投资者之一”
Singaporeans CPF funds are invested in bonds – SSGS – which are fully guaranteed by the Government. CPF monies are therefore invested entirely in risk-free assets. The Government takes the investment risk in managing SSGS proceeds. This arrangement assures that the CPF Board will be able to pay its members all their monies when due, and the interest that it commits to pay on CPF accounts.

What is GIC’s source of funds?
We manage most of the Governments financial assets, other than its deposits in the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and stake in Temasek Holdings. GIC is a fund manager, not an owner of the assets. We receive funds from the Government for long-term management, without regard to the sources, e.g. proceeds from securities issued, Government surpluses.
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