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作者:shellyshelly (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:2735) 发表:2019-08-16 14:36:01  楼主  关注此帖
踩雷YZJhttps://www.zaobao.com.sg/zfinance/realtime/story20190814-980917 手里的YZJ上个月还在1.3/1.40,一下子套上了。政商风险,防不胜防。 @功夫熊猫 这回没有只说观点然后衰锅哦。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2019-08-15 22:00:08。
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作者:shellyshelly (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:2735) 发表:2019-08-16 18:12:58  2楼
恭喜前面有位大胆买入的同学能赚这种钱的必是胆大,熟悉,运气。必占其一。 咱们只能边上干看着。
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作者:shellyshelly (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:2735) 发表:2019-08-16 19:06:36  3楼
是啊,一个“险”字道尽千言万语股神的老师格雷厄姆爷爷说过: “ If you, expect to get rich over the years by following some system or leadership in market forecasting, you must be expecting to try to do what countless others are aiming at, and to be able to do it better than your numerous competitors in the market. There is no basis either in logic or in experience for assuming that any typical or average investor can anticipate market movements more successfully than the general public, of which he is himself a part.” 对上面格爷爷的这段话,深以为然。 在股市时间越久,胆子变得越小了;咱也没啥运气,又对这个股票变得陌生。只好pass.
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