最新最全的购电指南新加坡网友写的博客, 是目前最全面的, 特此转发:
Source: https://www.ema.gov.sg/Residential_Electricity_Tariffs.aspx
Source: https://www.spgroup.com.sg/what-we-do/billing
For more information on the components that affect the Electricity tariff, please visit EMA or SPGroup.
As of 4th Jan, there are 13 retailers which you can switch to in the Open Electricity Market (OEM).
You blur, I also blur >.
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我签的OHM12 个月的固定价格18.03 cents/kWh (incl. GST),比24个月固定价格单价多0.05cent/kWh,一年下来大概多2块钱左右, 但可以少一年合同,这个价格目前也比Fix discount 划算,一年后如果有更优惠的价格也可以换
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欢迎使用我的 优惠码 OHMREFEFC28C,这样双方都有20块的优惠