Oct 11, 2018 9:30 AM

Oct 11, 2018 9:30 AM
我举Buffett 买苹果的例子。
2016年中, 所有的对冲基金都一致看空苹果。 当时苹果股价从高点下跌了40%。 见下面图表。
但Buffett 买入, 而且翻着倍买。 到上个季度,苹果已经是Buffett 第一重仓股。
几个月前本坛MKX 在1.9买入 starhub, 也是大家都不看好,包括我。 不过最近starhub回到1.96。
股票这东西, 七赔,两平,一赚。普通人都看不懂,那就对了。
Stocks such as Riverstone Holdings Limited (SGX: AP4) and Raffles Medical Group Ltd (SGX: BSL) have been huge long-term winners in Singapore’s market since the start of 2007. Their share prices have climbed by 565% and 424%, respectively.
The pair’s long-term returns are no mean feat. For perspective, the Straits Times Index (SGX: ^STI) had declined by 8% over the same timeframe. But, both Riverstone and Raffles Medical were actually vicious nightmares for investors over short time horizons in that period.
Here’s a chart showing the maximum peak-to-trough loss (known as drawdown) that the duo had experienced in each calendar year from 2007 to 2015:
Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence
To pick out some jarring episodes, Raffles Medical’s shares collapsed by 64% from peak-to-trough in 2008. Meanwhile, Riverstone’s drawdown in 2011 was a stunning 30%. And all these had occurred under the backdrop of their shares more than quintupling since the start of 2007.
When it comes to stocks, painful short-term declines are par for the course and shouldn’t be taken as a sign that anything is broken.