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作者:茄丝儿 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:66) 发表:2018-10-16 18:18:25  楼主  关注此帖
【ZZ】 Big long-term winners can be sickening short-term losersStocks such as Riverstone Holdings Limited (SGX: AP4) and Raffles Medical Group Ltd (SGX: BSL) have been huge long-term winners in Singapore’s market since the start of 2007. Their share prices have climbed by 565% and 424%, respectively. The pair’s long-term returns are no mean feat. For perspective, the Straits Times Index (SGX: ^STI) had declined by 8% over the same timeframe. But, both Riverstone and Raffles Medical were actually vicious nightmares for investors over short time horizons in that period. Here’s a chart showing the maximum peak-to-trough loss (known as drawdown) that the duo had experienced in each calendar year from 2007 to 2015: Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence To pick out some jarring episodes, Raffles Medical’s shares collapsed by 64% from peak-to-trough in 2008. Meanwhile, Riverstone’s drawdown in 2011 was a stunning 30%. And all these had occurred under the backdrop of their shares more than quint (more...)
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