high risk sports on lesure basis的,GE早就保了,至少近4-5年的保单没见过说exclude这些!而且,这个保单包括national service都有保哦!大部分公司把national service exclude出去了的,我想版上的人都知道吧。
注意下高危运动除了要求leisure basis还要求with a licensed organisation 这点你们已经是一个进步了。
mountaineering or rock climbing, caving, pot-holing, hunting, hang-gliding, sky-diving, parachuting, winter sports, ice-hockey, horse riding, polo-playing, scuba diving, boxing, wrestling or any martial arts activities, unless such activities are engaged on a leisure basis with a licensed organisation;
另外留意了下意外最新的定义,去掉了一些词但依然保留了sudden 和 body injury
Accident which results in a sudden, unforeseen and involuntary Injury to the Life Assured which occurs independently of an illness, disease or any other causes during the Period of Insurance. Injury refers to damage of bodily tissues that is not sustained as a result of an illness or disease.
a Life Assured engaging in commando or bomb disposal duties/training, active military duties such as maintenance of civil order, engagement in hostilities, whether war be declared or not, and travel by military aircraft or waterborne vessel
我是在下面的公司链接里节选的这些排除exclusions 如果不同的意外保险保单你们有不同的排除条款还请告知我一下。
mountaineering or rock climbing, caving, pot-holing, hunting, hang-gliding, sky-diving, parachuting, winter sports, ice-hockey, horse riding, polo-playing, scuba diving, boxing, wrestling or any martial arts activities, unless such activities are engaged on a leisure basis with a licensed organisation;
另外留意了下意外最新的定义,去掉了一些词但依然保留了sudden 和 body injury
Accident which results in a sudden, unforeseen and involuntary Injury to the Life Assured which occurs independently of an illness, disease or any other causes during the Period of Insurance. Injury refers to damage of bodily tissues that is not sustained as a result of an illness or disease.
a Life Assured engaging in commando or bomb disposal duties/training, active military duties such as maintenance of civil order, engagement in hostilities, whether war be declared or not, and travel by military aircraft or waterborne vessel
我是在下面的公司链接里节选的这些排除exclusions 如果不同的意外保险保单你们有不同的排除条款还请告知我一下。