hwz的帖子太长了,我还没爬完基本上那本书里的内容,在hwz都能找到。只是合并在一起容易阅读。书末总结的quick guide如下
Step 1: Start an emergency fund. Save enough to cover six months’ expenses. Keep this money in
a bank account where you can get to it immediately.
Step 2: Insure yourself. Get a hospital plan, and if you have people dependent on you, get term life
insurance for 20 years, with enough payout to cover five years of your income.
Step 3: Take the money and split it into two piles. Figure "110 minus your age" is the percentage
that will go into stocks, for capital growth and dividends; the rest goes into bonds, for income and
Step 4: Take the "stocks" pile and split it in half. Invest one half into an exchange-traded fund that
tracks Singaporean stocks; invest the other half into an exchange-traded fund that tracks global
Step 5: Take the "bonds" pile and invest it into an exchange-traded fund that tracks Singapor (more...)
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