楼上的问题好细致啊。。。有些问题我也还不太确定。1. SA 的户口,只要能进去钱,目前就是至少 Guaranteed 4% 的 interest (the current floor interest rate of 4% )。如果 10 年期国债利息 +1% 超过了 4%, 那么 SA 的利息就会跟着后者更高的值走。
目前 SA 能填补的上限,是当前 Full Retirement Sum($161,000 for 2015 年) - (SA 里已有的 balance + 投资出去的 SA)。总之就是顶多用现金把 SA 补到总数 $161,000 就是了 —— 显然,CPF 是政府帮助广大居民应付基本退休生活的,而不会让富豪做为大额避税,并获取政府高额贴息的手段。
2. Full Retirement Sum 是 55 岁时候设立,65 岁时候开始取,大概取 20 年左右。你可以选择比 65 岁再晚几年取 —— 这样可以累计更多的复利,同样的数额你可以取更久的年限。3 个档次的 Retirement Sum 分别对应不同的月领取额度,具体见下表。
3. 55 岁时取出来的公积金好像是需要交税的(这一点我还不是很确定)。因为 CPF Withdrawl Application Form 上有这么一句话(见图 2)。你最好再打给 IRAS 问问。
Do I need to withdraw my CPF savings at 55 years old?
The withdrawal of your CPF savings is optional. If you do not withdraw at 55 years old, you can do so anytime later.
Also, you don’t have to take out the full amount at one go. For example, if you are eligible to withdraw $10,000, you can choose to make a partial withdrawal such as $2,000. You can withdraw the remaining $8,000 (if available), when you are next eligible to withdraw your CPF savings.
2. 用EXCEL简单算下IRR,情况是 Basic plan IRR=3.8971%, Standard plan IRR=3.4269%, Enhanced plan IRR=3.2474%,政府还是照顾穷人多点,也很合理。如果想占政府便宜,让自己领到的钱超过自己交给政府运作的钱(假设STANDARD PLAN, 政府每年运作能得到4%收益),因为CPF LIFE是从65岁发放到去世,那么就需要活到89以上。一般情况应该是赢不了,但是也不会输,因为剩下的钱会给家人。
3. 整个来说,CPF LIFE还是一个没风险中回报的好事。
Do I need to withdraw my CPF savings at 55 years old?
The withdrawal of your CPF savings is optional. If you do not withdraw at 55 years old, you can do so anytime later.
Also, you don’t have to take out the full amount at one go. For example, if you are eligible to withdraw $10,000, you can choose to make a partial withdrawal such as $2,000. You can withdraw the remaining $8,000 (if available), when you are next eligible to withdraw your CPF savings.
2. 用EXCEL简单算下IRR,情况是 Basic plan IRR=3.8971%, Standard plan IRR=3.4269%, Enhanced plan IRR=3.2474%,政府还是照顾穷人多点,也很合理。如果想占政府便宜,让自己领到的钱超过自己交给政府运作的钱(假设STANDARD PLAN, 政府每年运作能得到4%收益),因为CPF LIFE是从65岁发放到去世,那么就需要活到89以上。一般情况应该是赢不了,但是也不会输,因为剩下的钱会给家人。
3. 整个来说,CPF LIFE还是一个没风险中回报的好事。