Private Equity Fund
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作者:树冷 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2708) 发表:2013-09-10 11:59:30  楼主  关注此帖
收购MPG应该是Credence Capital撮合的,当然是利好,CC要把XMH包装成特赚钱的公司。Credence Capital是什么背景?
Private Equity Fund
Mr. Koh Boon Hwee is a familiar face in the Edge.
Track record in HP, Singtel, Temasek, DBS...

Other two partners are from HP. One PM has deep knowledge of manufacturing and electronics, other PM and Analysts join with financial background.

I think it's a good team in improving the value of SME in this domain.

But, one thing I don't understand, PE generally invest in unlisted company.
In the case of XMH, not sure how long they will stay, and how they will exit?

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