FerroChina - clarification of trading halt by Allen Jiao
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作者:花心大哥 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:16023) 发表:2008-10-09 18:15:41  楼主  关注此帖
谁有ferrochina. 好像大事不好http://cache.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/develop/1/182855.shtml#Bottom 声明:转贴
FerroChina - clarification of trading halt by Allen Jiao
Good afternoon,

FerroChina is unable to repay part of its working capital loans amounting to Rmb706m, which is likely to further lead to a working capital fund shortage of Rmb2b. As a result, the company has temporarily ceased all of its manufacturing operations. The company is negotiating with its financial lenders and potential strategic investors to access funds or refinancing to address the repayment obligations. FerroChina will not resume production until the obligations are fulfilled, which will take at least one week, but most probably much longer. The company's shares will remain suspended, and no guidance from the management is given regarding the time of trading resumption.


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作者:花心大哥 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:16023) 发表:2008-10-11 17:00:57  2楼
新加坡的中资股很多都是规模不大的乡镇企业可能有点以偏盖全, 可是个人觉得XJP的中国概念股都是规模不大的企业. 现在国内的资本市场现在已经相对发达, 有一定规模的企业都会尽量选择在国内上市. 可是这里的中资股名字还特别大, 动不动就什么ChinaXXX, :-)
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