跟帖讨论财报:1) Pokka:
>> 开销控制得不错,好兆头。
>> 现金、应收帐款增加,库存减少,好兆头。
>> 赢利大幅增长,最好的事情。
2) Popular:
>> 今年好像花钱买了新的商业用房(Development property的增长),如果是扩大店面等等应该是利好,否则就得持怀疑态度。
>> Long Term bank loans(secured), current portion,银行借贷突然超大幅增长,是不是借钱买房?不大明白。
>> 销售大幅增长,不错。
>> 债务大幅减少,更不错
from notes:
Current assets - "Development property" : includes the acquisition and development cost incurred to date in relation to One Robinand 18 Shelford Road.
Current Liabilities - "Long-term bank loans (secured), current portion" includes a $19m loan drawdown for 18 Shelford Road land cost.
From P/L, acquisition of development property is an outflow of CFI, so I suppose this property is purely for investing purpose instead of daily operation, such as opening new branches.
Current assets - "Development property" : includes the acquisition and development cost incurred to date in relation to One Robinand 18 Shelford Road.
Current Liabilities - "Long-term bank loans (secured), current portion" includes a $19m loan drawdown for 18 Shelford Road land cost.
From P/L, acquisition of development property is an outflow of CFI, so I suppose this property is purely for investing purpose instead of daily operation, such as opening new branches.