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作者:invest_sg (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:37) 发表:2007-03-14 13:12:58  3楼 
hmmm....1)请问是如何挑选有潜力的股票? 报纸,新闻,股评,还是利用MetaStock之类的软件自动筛选? 看到很多高手款款而谈,在下甚为羡慕:) //There is more than one thousand ways to pick one stock. and many books on this. basically whatever ways you are using , 1.you get the information, 2.analyse the information and 3.make decision. 3 steps. the above you described are the ways to get information. It is just step 1. some people using fundamental analysis, some people using technical analysis. some people using tossing a coin , some people using pure luck and instinct. choose the best way working for you. as long as it makes money for you. 2)MetaStock软件,那个数据比较好了? 牛魔王提供的免费网站为 http://www.chartnexus.com 神州六号提供的的付费网站为 http://www.technical-analysis.com 那个比较好了?自己还是很穷呀,每个月几十块的数据费还是肉痛 if the data is really good and no other place give you free one. monthly fee is also acceptable what. If you need free Metastock data, I just posted 20 years metastock d (more...)
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